
On this STSNT web page a chapter about speed control is also inserted. This chapter has nothing to do with STSNT!

This chapter can be very interesting for control engineers who have to do with speed control and acceleration and deceleration controllers.

STSNT General

Please note:

Website is always under construction and will be expanded gradually.
Last update: 2022-12-24 (Improvements, bug fixed)

Last Version of STSNT and speed control: see download pages 

  1. The website mainly describes the graphics tool STSNT.

  2. Independently of this, a special chapter describes a tool that shows how to create a tried and tested speed control. Simulations can also be carried out for various vehicles.

STSNT Analysis Tool

What can you do with STSNT?


If you have data in text format (ASCII or CSV format, 1st column x vector, other columns y values), you can display the data graphically with many options (math. functions, differentiating, integrating, filtering, adding signals, multiply signals etc.) and measuring gradients and distances, DFT and much much more).

Everything in the simplest way. 
See section below!

Short video example (MP4)

Short demonstration of the STSNT tool in German
MP3 Audio Datei 75.0 MB


The tool is called  STSNT.EXE   or  STSNT_IM.EXE

  • Only one EXE file, 4 Mbyte, no installation needed
  • Running on USB stick
  • Running on the platforms:
    - Windows NT, Vista, 
     2000, XP, 7, 8, 10, Linux (wine), 

       and  Apple Windows emulation
  • Up to 600 signals, up to  > 500Mbyte data files
  • Graphics: Zoom in/out, set areas, many zoom options, etc.
  • Graphic: measuring signals: gradients and distances (times)
  • Process signals mathematically
    (multiply, add, integrate, differentiate, limit, counter, function generator, etc.)
  • Link (connections) signals together (multiply, add, AND, OR, XOR etc.)
  • Filter signals (causal & not causal, lag integrator)
  • Monitoring signal limits (comparators, counters)
  •  Graphical display options:
     - normal (all signals in a graphical area)
     - each signal by itself (each signal own graphical area)
     - define groups (ranges for signal groups)
  • Fast display of: 
    times/values/duration (one signal, 
    several or all at the same time)
  • Show binary signals in real signal range
  • Statistics
  • Import of Excel data for graphical representation
  • Save the graphic or part of it, copy the graphic to clipboard
  • Create JPG or Bitmap files
  • Convert data (e.g., CSV files in STSNT format, etc.)
     -> much more conversion functions
  • Graphic and numerical representation simultaneously
  • Display of data in various formats (decimal, hex, binary)
  • Searching for data (for example, in which area  were
    speeds> 200km/h)
  • Looking for signal names, for comments
  • Show comments in graphics
  • Simultaneous time-synchronized presentation of
    videos / MP3 in the graphics
  • Calculation of time constants and asymptotes from graphical representation
  • Various x-vector time formats
  • Define signal as x-vector
  • Time vector shifting for defined signals
  • Display Frequency Spectrum (Discrete Fourier Transformation DFT)
  • Unpack words into bits, put bits in a word
  • Data format conversion (e.g., wordswap, byteswap, lowbyte of word ... etc.)
  • Sorting signals and create new data files
  • Create new log files from "treated" log files
  • Scientific calculator (you can also generate data files for graphic view).
  • Split large data files
  • Synchronize log files (for example, while recording on loco and control car)
  • Add (merge) log files
  • Detailed help function
     >> much more possibilities