Mathematical Functions


  1. Examples of mathematical functions
  2. Important remarks  (>> go there)
  3. List of mathematical functions

1. Examples of mathematical functions

 Every signal can be have one or more mathematical functions


Examples (see picture):


Signal 8:

  1. raw data will be divided by 10
  2. then absolut value will be calculated
  3. then value 5 will be added

Signal 9:

  1. raw data will be filtered with pt1 filter, tau = 0.23s  (pt1(0.23))
  2. then it will be divided by 10

Signal 10

  • integral over whole range

Signal 11 

  • integral from 34.2 to 100.9s

 2. Important remark about multiple use of mathematical functions:

See picture below:


3. List of mathematical functions


The following special functions you can use only once in a row:


 Pt1pt1(1) Pt1-filter not causal (no phase shift), 1s,
 Pt1(1) Pt1-filter (1s) or: Pt1(2,5) unsym. filter,  
Dt1Dt1(1) Differenciate not causal, 1s
Dt1(1) Differenciate, 1s
Int() Integral, also possible int(3,10)  -> from to
Intfol(2,1,1e12,1e12 Follow Integrator, UpTime, DownTime (for 100), SetRange 
Func(0,0,100,50) Function with data points (x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3....; max. 50)
Bit(0[,12,13..]) Bitmask, 0=bit0,...,
Trig(30,-30,0,1) Trigger (UpperLimit, LowerLimit, OnDelay, OffDelay) True, when between UL and LL
TBC() Time Between Changing of signal value (usefull especially for bit signals)
DeltaY(0,1) (Offs,dt) Value difference between delta t
Limit(100,-100)  Limiter (UpperLimit,LowerLimit),  limits values
Count(>0) Counter (compare modes: <>v, >=v, <=v, =v, >v, <, '', <, >),  v = value
RMS(1) Root Mean Square, RMS(periode)'
SMA(1) Simple Moving Average, SMA(periode)

The following basic functions you can use multiple in a row.

They will be calculated in the order they are written

+, -, *, /, ^ Basic mathematic functions
Div Integer division, result is integer
Mod Integer modula, result is integer
WordToInt Converts word into integer
ByteToShortInt Converts byte into short integer
WordToFup Converts word into Fupla and division by 40.96
ByteToInt Converts Byte to Int (0..255 -> -128....+127)
WordLowByte Converts Low  Byte of Word to Byte
WordHighByte Converts High Byte of Word to Byte
ByteSwap Swaps bytes of a word
WordSwap Swaps words of a double word
DWordToLong Converts a double word into longinteger
Reci Reciproke value
Abs Abolute value
Trunc Floatingpoint to integer
Round Round floatingpoint to integer
Sign Case x of    =0 : result=0,   >0 : result=1,    <0 : result=-1
Sin, Asin Sinus, Arcus sinus
Cos, Acos Cosinus, Arcus cosinus
Tan, Atan Tangens, Arcus tangens
Ln Natural logarithm
Exp Exponential function; Invers function of natural logarithm
Log Logarithm based to 10; Tens logarithm
InvLog 10^x, Invers function of tens logarithm
GPSposToFloat Converts GPS value to Angle (Real)
UTCtoDateTime Converts UTC time to DateTime format
DTTOPOSIX Converts Datetime (days since 1900) to POSIX format)